RPC Errors

RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call, and when the library raises a RPCError, it’s because you have invoked some of the API methods incorrectly (wrong parameters, wrong permissions, or even something went wrong on Telegram’s server).

You should import the errors from telethon.errors like so:

from telethon import errors

    async with client.takeout() as takeout:

except errors.TakeoutInitDelayError as e:
    #  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ here we except TAKEOUT_INIT_DELAY
    print('Must wait', e.seconds, 'before takeout')

There isn’t any official list of all possible RPC errors, so the list of known errors is provided on a best-effort basis. When new methods are available, the list may be lacking since we simply don’t know what errors can raise from them.

Once we do find out about a new error and what causes it, the list is updated, so if you see an error without a specific class, do report it (and what method caused it)!.

This list is used to generate documentation for the raw API page. For example, if we want to know what errors can occur from messages.sendMessage we can simply navigate to its raw API page and find it has 24 known RPC errors at the time of writing.

Base Errors

All the “base” errors are listed in API Errors. Any other more specific error will be a subclass of these.

If the library isn’t aware of a specific error just yet, it will instead raise one of these superclasses. This means you may find stuff like this:

telethon.errors.rpcbaseerrors.BadRequestError: RPCError 400: MESSAGE_POLL_CLOSED (caused by SendVoteRequest)

If you do, make sure to open an issue or send a pull request to update the list of known errors.

Common Errors

These are some of the errors you may normally need to deal with:

  • FloodWaitError (420), the same request was repeated many times. Must wait .seconds (you can access this attribute). For example:

    from telethon import errors
        messages = await client.get_messages(chat)
    except errors.FloodWaitError as e:
        print('Have to sleep', e.seconds, 'seconds')
  • SessionPasswordNeededError, if you have setup two-steps verification on Telegram and are trying to sign in.

  • FilePartMissingError, if you have tried to upload an empty file.

  • ChatAdminRequiredError, you don’t have permissions to perform said operation on a chat or channel. Try avoiding filters, i.e. when searching messages.

The generic classes for different error codes are:

  • InvalidDCError (303), the request must be repeated on another DC.
  • BadRequestError (400), the request contained errors.
  • UnauthorizedError (401), the user is not authorized yet.
  • ForbiddenError (403), privacy violation error.
  • NotFoundError (404), make sure you’re invoking Request’s!

If the error is not recognised, it will only be an RPCError.

You can refer to all errors from Python through the telethon.errors module. If you don’t know what attributes they have, try printing their dir (like print(dir(e))).


Some of the errors carry additional data in them. When they look like EMAIL_UNCONFIRMED_X, the _X value will be accessible from the error instance. The current list of errors that do this is the following:

  • EmailUnconfirmedError has .code_length.
  • FileMigrateError has .new_dc.
  • FilePartMissingError has .which.
  • FloodTestPhoneWaitError has .seconds.
  • FloodWaitError has .seconds.
  • InterdcCallErrorError has .dc.
  • InterdcCallRichErrorError has .dc.
  • NetworkMigrateError has .new_dc.
  • PhoneMigrateError has .new_dc.
  • SlowModeWaitError has .seconds.
  • TakeoutInitDelayError has .seconds.
  • UserMigrateError has .new_dc.

Avoiding Limits

Don’t spam. You won’t get FloodWaitError or your account banned or deleted if you use the library for legit use cases. Make cool tools. Don’t spam! Nobody knows the exact limits for all requests since they depend on a lot of factors, so don’t bother asking.

Still, if you do have a legit use case and still get those errors, the library will automatically sleep when they are smaller than 60 seconds by default. You can set different “auto-sleep” thresholds:

client.flood_sleep_threshold = 0  # Don't auto-sleep
client.flood_sleep_threshold = 24 * 60 * 60  # Sleep always

You can also except it and act as you prefer:

from telethon.errors import FloodWaitError
except FloodWaitError as e:
    print('Flood waited for', e.seconds)

VoIP numbers are very limited, and some countries are more limited too.